Elections and Voter Registration:
The Bordentown Township Municipal Clerk is the township’s election official. The Municipal Clerk handles voter registration, accepts petitions for vacancies in local elected offices, provides materials for elections, selects polling locations and certifies and maintains custody of election results for the Township of Bordentown.
Voter Registration Form (English) / Voter Registration Form (Spanish) / Online Voter Registration
You must be registered to vote 21 days before an election. Click here to see if you are Registered to Vote.
Vote by Mail Application - Vote by Mail Applications , if mailed, must be received by the County Clerk by seven days before the election. Alternatively, Vote By Mail Applications can be dropped off at 50 Rancocas Road in Mount Holly by 3 PM the day before the election, and you will then be handed a ballot.
Completed ballots may be returned by mail or dropped off in a ballot box. You may use any ballot box. There is a ballot box located in front of the Township Municipal Building at 1 Municipal Drive! Use this interactive map to find a ballot box near you. **If you already requested to Vote By Mail for ALL elections, you do not need to re-apply as a ballot will automatically be sent to you.
Track your VBM ballot at vote.nj.gov.
If you would like to be REMOVED from the Vote by Mail list, complete this letter and mail it the County Clerk.
Party Affiliation Change Form
The deadline to change your party affiliation for a Primary Election is 55 days before the June election. Mail the form to the Superintendent of Elections at 50 Rancocas Road, P.O. Box 6000, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 or drop it off to the Bordentown Township Clerk. If you are currently unaffiliated with either party, you may make a declaration to become a Democrat or a Republican by casting a Primary Election ballot (either at your election district poll on June 6 or by voting early).