Township Committee Agendas and Minutes

The Township Committee meetings begin at 6:30 pm with a closed executive session unless otherwise noted below. The meeting reopens to the public at 7:30 pm. 

Included on the agendas of all regularly scheduled Committee meetings are two public comment sections. The first public comment section is reserved for discussion of items agenda items only. During the second public comment, at the end of the meeting, members of the public are invited to address the Committee on any topic. At both public comment periods, the public is not limited in the amount of time they have to express opinions; however, the Mayor or presiding officer may limit statements to five minutes per speaker in the event a large number of the public wishes to comment. 

*Agendas and minutes can be made available in the RTF format, if requested, by contacting the Clerk at or by calling 609-298-2800 x8.  Agendas and Minutes from earlier meetings are available from the Township Clerk's Office.