Happy Mother’s Day!
Attention Bordentown Township Business Owners! Business Licenses will expire on June 30, and the renewal process will begin on May 28 through our new online portal. Payments may be made by credit or debit card using the portal. Payment must be paid by cash or check if renewing in person or by mail.
For more information visit: https://www.bordentowntownship.com/page/licenses
Join the Bordentown Township Green Team Meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at the Senior Community Center (3 Municipal Drive).
Meet with other green-minded individuals and share your ideas about environmental community service projects you would like to see happen in Bordentown Township. All are welcome to attend this family-friendly meeting! Light refreshments will be served.
Bordentown Township’s Shredder Day is taking place tomorrow, May 11 starting at 9 a.m. at the Township’s Public Works Garage. Shredder Day is for household shredding only – no businesses!
Bordentown City and Township residents can prepare for Shredder Day by reviewing the below safety guidelines:
1. Remove anything you do not want shredded before arriving.
2. Containers should be clearly labeled (or obvious) as to what intended to be shredded.
3. Place all papers intended to be shredded are in the trunk or rear of your vehicle.
4. Remain in your vehicle during the entire process.
5. Upon being signaled, open the trunk to allow the volunteers access to the paper.
6. Anything you want to be returned to your car should clearly be labeled.
7. After shredding materials have been removed, exit by Derby Firehouse
Are you registered to vote? Tuesday, May 14 is the last day to register to vote for the Primary Election! Register here: https://www.nj.gov/state/elections/voter-registration.shtml.
A Township Committee meeting will be held on Monday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building (1 Municipal Drive). During the meeting, a public hearing will be held regarding the 2024 budget.
Learn more: https://www.bordentowntownship.com/events?id=25722536
Mayor Fuzy and Deputy Mayor Aneka Miller are hosting an informal Mayor/Citizen Meeting on Friday, May 17, starting at 7 p.m. at the Senior Community Center.
The Mayor is eager to hear from residents with an open dialogue about anything Bordentown Township. Light refreshments will be provided by the Mayor at the meeting.
Save the date for additional monthly Mayor/Citizen s in 2024:
June 21
September 20
October 18
November 15
Bordentown Township is thrilled to announce the new crosswalk located at the intersection of Groveville Road and Klein Drive. This crosswalk will provide safer access to Northern Community Park!
Due to the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday, all trash pick-ups will be delayed by ONE DAY for the week of May 27.
Zone 1 with normal Tuesday trash pick-up will be moved to Wednesday.
Zone 2 with normal Wednesday trash pick-up will be moved to Thursday.
Zone 3 with normal Thursday trash pick-up will be moved to Friday.
Bulk Trash Collection for Zones 2 and 3 will also be cancelled on May 27 and will be rescheduled for May 31.
The Township Planning Board meeting of May 9, 2024 has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 7pm at 1 Municipal Drive.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Bordentown Township’s Shredder Day is set to take place next Saturday, May 11 starting at 9 a.m. at the Township’s Public Works Garage. Bordentown City and Township residents can prepare for Shredder Day by reviewing the below safety guidelines:
1. Remove anything you do not want shredded before arriving.
2. Containers should be clearly labeled (or obvious) as to what intended to be shredded.
3. Place all papers intended to be shredded are in the trunk or rear of your vehicle.
4. Remain in your vehicle during the entire process.
5. Upon being signaled, open the trunk to allow the volunteers access to the paper.
6. Anything you want to be returned to your car should clearly be labeled.
7. After shredding materials have been removed, exit by Derby Firehouse.
Please be reminded that Shredder Day is for households only – no businesses!
Due to the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday, all trash pick-ups will be delayed by ONE DAY for the week of May 27.
Zone 1 trash pick-up will be moved to Wednesday.
Zone 2 trash pick-up will be moved to Thursday.
Zone 3 trash pick-up will be moved to Friday.
Bulk Trash Collection for Zones 2 and 3 will also be cancelled on May 27 and will be rescheduled for May 31.
Mayor Fuzy recently delivered certificates of recognition on behalf of the Township Committee to Bordentown Regional High School students and staff who made the Black History Program happen. School Counselor Blackwell received recognition for his steadfast efforts in orchestrating the program and inspiring the future leaders of tomorrow!
Bordentown Township recently hosted Burlington County Office on Aging at the Senior Citizen Meeting in April. Couldn’t make it to the April meeting? Call 609-265-5069 to get the scoop on the information covered!
The Bordentown Township Planning Board Agenda for the May 9, 2024 meeting is now available at the following link: https://5il.co/2jxv3
Bordentown Township Mayor Fuzy, Committeewoman Lozito, and Committeeman Grayson recently attended Little League Opening Day! Mayor Fuzy thanked the volunteers and wished the teams a great season on behalf of the Township Committee. Special guest Boomer of Trenton Thunder also attended the event!
REMINDER: Tonight's regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting has been cancelled. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on May 9th at 7 PM at 1 Municipal Drive. Bookmark the following link to stay up-to-date on Planning Board matters. https://bit.ly/4dfKbiI
BordentownTwp will host a Red Cross Blood Drive TODAY, April 25. at the Senior Center (3 Municipal Drive) from 2 PM to 7 PM. To schedule an appointment, visit www.redcrossblood.org and enter Sponsor Code: bordentownship.
Thank you to everyone who attended our annual Bordentown Township Easter Egg Hunt last month! Kids searched high and low for 2500 easter eggs and enjoyed special visits from the Easter Bunny and Easter Chicken.
Pictured with Easter Bunny and Easter Chicken are Mayor Eugene M. Fuzy and Committeewoman Lozito.